A Study of Colt’s New Army and Navy Pattern Double Action Revolvers
By Robert Best
If you are looking to get great information on Colts Army and Navy revolvers (1889-1908) this is the book for you! Bob helped me research my own revolvers shown on my web site, he has done a excellent job researching these fine historic pistols and is a absolute gentleman and a pleasure to have learned from. He just finished this book (Nov. 2004) and has limited copies so I recommend you contact him ASAP for your copy. I have included this on my site as a service to the collecting community and I am not receiving any funds in this endorsement. Regards, Ty Moore
The first work of its kind, “A Study…” is a detailed look into Colt’s development and production of the Double Action Swing Out Cylinder New Army and Navy series revolvers. Civilian model production, U.S. Army and Navy models and contracts, and other Government organizations using these revolvers are all covered in this book. In depth research by the author into Colt’s shipping records, and the Government Archives is used to document the material presented. Model variations and serial number ranges are also presented in six color charts and a complete listing of all variations. There are over 150 photographs with 24 pages of color photos to show specific markings and manufacturing changes. Fully documented. 276 pages. Hardbound edition. $54.99.
Send check or money order (no credit cards) for $54.99, plus $6.00 per book for USPS Media Rate shipping and handling (un-insured) to:
Robert Best
4307 South Larwin Avenue
Concord, CA 94521
Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Add $2.20 for USPS insurance. Priority mail shipping is available in the Continental US for $13.55 per book. Shipments to CA addresses require addition of 8.25% sales tax. For Questions please email B52Bob@prodigy.net